Morgan Mammila has confirmed his departure from Chippa United but revealed that it wasn’t chairman, Siviwe Mpengesi who made the call.

Mammila started the recently completed DStv Premiership season as head coach of the Chilliboys.

He was removed from his post and named Technical Director in January.

But he has now left the club altogether after admitting that Chippa were looking at going in a new direction.

Mammila told Metro FM: “I’m the only coach to start and finish a season at Chippa United.

“I can confirm that me and My friend [Chippa Mpengesi] are no longer working together.

“Me and Chippa United are not working together.”

Mammila added: “Frankly and to be honest, it’s not the chairman who fired me.

“He’s not the one who fired me, the people who run the club every day thought ‘maybe, let’s take another direction’.”